Monday, July 25, 2016

Facebook and Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A constructed an excellent post earlier this week that featured a manager at one of their locations who is competing to be the next American Ninja Warrior. Chick-fil-A created a short video featuring this employee, Ricky Vu, which they posted on their Facebook page. This post was excellent in so many ways. First, the video was truly genuine and heartfelt. It showed that Chick-fil-A really cared for this employee and that Vu appreciated the Chick-fil-A franchise as well.  The video made an emotional connection through telling of all the obstacles Vu had to overcome to get to where he is now, and throughout the video, viewers stayed intrigued by being shown such an interesting and well put together presentation. The day after it was posted, this post was already totaling in at 155,000 views, 1,923 likes, 293 shares, and 63 comments. Taking into consideration the more than 7.5 million followers that Chick-fil-A has, in addition to their non-followers who were also exposed to this post, it is truly mindboggling to think of the number of people who had the Chick-fil-A brand name put fresh in their minds from seeing this post.

The post can be seen at:

Savanna H. 

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