Thursday, July 21, 2016

International Music Day

International Music day is a day of celebration for anyone and everyone who loves to swing their head to a rhythm. Coca Cola uses this celebration for a whole campaign. There post on twitter shows a bottle of coke with the lyrics, “ Celebrate good times, Come on!” on the label. Hashtags are used to tag twitter music and spotify. The use of the red tags gives Coke an advantage over other using Twitter because normally the tags are blue. The red stands out and draws the consumers in. This is also successful because it provides a shared, common message that everyone in America can relate too. Old or young, everyone knows this song. The number of likes for this post was 720, showing a high liking from Coke followers.

-Hannah Jordan Pittman 

1 comment:

  1. Great example! They used mentions to call out Twitter Music & Spotify. They used hashtags to join the conversations #InternationalMusicDay and #ShareACoke.
