Monday, July 25, 2016

Kate G.
Site where content was found: Facebook
Author: Social Media Marketing Employee at Skittles
Citation (textbook): Barker, Melissa S., et al. Social Media Marketing : A Strategic Approach. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2016. Print.

"Taste the Rainbow"

This post from July 13th, 2016 on the Skittles Facebook page is a great representation of a successful social media post. You can tell that this organization definitely knows how to capture their audience’s attention by the imagery that they used. Because of this, the post encompasses one of the nine rules of engagement: having a personality. Adding a little bit of personality to the post, allowed the company to connect with their customers on a more personal level (Chapter 4, pages 73-74). Gaining trust from customers and building common ground is key for businesses. In addition to the creativity and humor of this image, the post associates Skittles with the Theater. This is another reason why this post was successful, because the company communicated with their audience in an authentic way. The visual imagery conveyed a light and fun environment to viewers, which was the most appropriate way to connect with the Skittle’s audience. The authenticity of the post is one of the four principles of success found in the PARC model. “Successful social media strategies typically met one (or more) of the PARC principles for success.” (Social Media marketing, page 65)

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